The first year Chris and I were married, we were soooo poor. We couldn't afford any ornaments, so I made them. I got old Christmas fabric, sewed them in squares, and stuffed them with potpourri. That began our ornament collection. The next year, we had our first child. I made ornaments impressed with his foot and hand prints out of molding compound. In the years after, we created the tradition of giving each child an ornament for Christmas. We picked it out and gave it as a gift. Sometimes it may be a cartoon character they really like or a sport they have really enjoyed that year. Over the years our collection has grown. When we moved to Blanding, we discovered that our local pharmacy has the best ornaments, so we buy several from them each year. When we travel, I always buy an ornament. Most tourist shops sell ornaments throughout the entire year. A few years ago Chris started giving me several ornaments each year for Christmas. It makes me feel so good knowing that he cares about me enough to take the time to pick ornaments out he thinks I would like. Now after all these years, OUR tree is full of memories. When we decorate the tree we reminisce about the trips we took or Christmases past.
A few years ago I bought a pre-lit tree, and it is beautiful. I love my tree. I don't think I'll take it down for a few weeks. These pictures don't even show half the beauty of my tree, but enjoy anyway!