Saturday, August 8, 2009


I have so much to catch up on, and I really wanted to not leave anything out since I wanted to make my blog into one of those cool books especially since I don't scrapbook. But, since we are trying to move, and since after the move we will be simplifying and eliminating all unneeded expenses, I am afraid this may be my last post for awhile, although I will update when I can. This may be short-term depending on if and when we sell our home.

Chris' last day of work was yesterday. It was sad for him and me. Joe has been the best employer Chris has ever had, and I don't know if he'll ever get one that good again. Joe gave Chris the room he needed to grow into the accountant he is today. He trusted Chris and was extremely flexible, allowing Chris to leave work whenever he needed to.

Here is an update on what we are doing:

Chris is unemployed!!! Yes, I am excited about it. It's only for a week, though. Today we are going on a much needed family trip. We'll come back to Blanding on Tuesday, and pack up Wednesday and Thursday. Then on Friday we will drive to Rangely and get settled in our rental home.

We have seen the Lord's hand work in so many ways in the past few weeks. I was praying that we could stay together as a family. Yes, I want our house to sell too, but staying together is far more important to me. Well, I got a call from someone at Colorado Northwestern saying that she knew of a rental house that was available. I told her that we were on the bottom of the waiting list, and she said that if you knew someone, they would bump you to the top of the list (talk about small town politics, but we're used to it). Well, she was that person we needed to know.

The very next day Chris and I drove up there to look at it, and low and behold they had 2 rental houses we could pick from, both the same price. We chose the nicest of the two, of course. The house is fabulous. I am really scared of making the rent payment (which is double our house payment) and our mortgage at the same time, but we did find someone to stay in our house until it sells to offset the cost a little. He's single guy who just got off a mission. His parents live in Monticello (20 min. away), so it won't be that big of a deal if we do sell it, he'll just move back home. He'll take care of the yard, and let the real estate agents show it whenever they need to.

I really see the Lord's hand in my life right now. I don't understand why our house hasn't sold. It may not be for any reason at all, but I do know that I have learned alot from this whole experience. I have learned that even though I thought I was pretty humble, I wasn't. I thought being humble meant acknowledging God in all things, that without Him, I am nothing. I knew that without question, but my actions weren't showing Him that. My daily praying had diminished, I was a terrible mother most of the time, and forget personal scripture study.

This trial in our lives has helped me be a better mother (although I do need tons more help). I have learned so much from the scriptures, too. When this first started I was in tears most days, sometimes thinking that this was more than I could bear, and that my family would be better off going through this without me (I know, crazy, huh?!) My window of eternal perspective was small, maybe 5 minutes a day. I was constantly anxious. I wanted this burden to be lifted immediately.

Over the past several weeks my eternal window has increased a hundred fold. I know that it will all work out. If the worst thing that happens is us losing our home...I really don't care! I've got 4 boys and a man that loves me. I have found HUGE comfort in reading the scriptures, especially the New Testament when it talks about our Savior's ministry, and in the Book of Mormon when He visits the Nephites after He is resurrected. Jesus told his apostles that God knows our needs, and we shouldn't worry about tomorrow. I need to make good choices today so that tomorrow will be okay, but my Father in Heaven is ultimately in charge.

Paying the bills will be hard until our house sells. BUT....I have my family, and I will find joy in my life.

Our time in Blanding has truly been the best years of my life. I think of the person I was when I came here, and I have definitely changed for the better! The people here are amazing. Even if I don't know you really well, you have touched my life more than you will ever know! I am terrible with goodbyes. My tendency is to NOT say goodbye and just leave without saying anything at all, yup, I avoid pain like the plague. I want to tell all you Blanding folks that this isn't goodbye! Our paths may never cross again in this life, but I know in the life after this we will see each other. I'll look you up and see how life was for you!

Thank you all for taking the time to read my blog, even if I don't know you. I'll still check email at the library, and occasionally post an update