Wednesday, March 12, 2008

He's nuts!

Tonight we played charades for Family Home Evening. Calvin was in charge, and he made up all the things we were supposed to act out. He came up with some great ones, like fart, underwear, and poopy diaper. We definately have a house filled with boys. Calvin insisted on acting out the last two. Even though you aren't supposed to talk when playing charades on the first one he said, "go to your room". Yup, he was acting out me. And the last one he coughed and hacked, and yup, it was Chris. Chris has been super sick with the flu for the last few days, so it didn't take us long to guess that one!

We're High Tech

We have officially come into the 21st century, and now have a digital camera. We just got it last week, and have been having a blast with it. A few years ago I took a photography class at UVSC. Digital photography was fairly new back then. I needed a camera for the class, and the instructor assured me that digital was NOT here to stay. So, we forked over a hunk of change and bought a really expensive 35mm SLR. Well, for the past few years I have really wanted a digital camera, but couldn't justify it with the nice camera I already had. Chris finally let me get one! It is the best camera ever. Before, I would always forget my big bulky SLR whenever we went anywhere, but this new one is so small I can fit it into my purse and it even takes video clips so I won't miss anything the kids do now.

Hopefully with this new change I will be posting more often because now I can post pictures to go with the stories.