Friday, November 2, 2012


Oh, there are so many things to update on, so I will just start with our life lately.

Chris:  He works so, so hard.  He loves his job, and is doing amazing things for the college.  We are so grateful he has a good job that supports our growing sons.  He baptized Anden this summer.  I am so grateful he can do that!  He is such an example of a loving, hard working man.  I hope our boys grow up to be just like him.

Me:  I'm not gonna lie.  I have been struggling lately.  I am dealing with some tough emotional issues that have come to a head lately.  Life just seems so hard sometimes, almost too hard to deal with.  I am blessed in so many ways, and feel so ungrateful for even feeling this way.  Things are looking up, though.  I am just so lucky to have the husband and kids that I do!

Braxton:  He is such an amazing kid!  He is a hard worker.  His grades are amazing.  His teachers want to literally adopt him.  He is such an awesome example to his brothers.  He just got braces and has grown like a weed lately.  He is the quintessential teenager.  I am loving every minute of it!

Calvin:  He is hilarious!  Cal & I have such a special bond.  We are so alike it is not even funny.  He has good grades, and gets hugged by every 8th grade girl...every day (he's in 6th, and his older brother is pretty jealous!).  The older girls think he is "adorable".  I tell them they have to give me a hug before they can hug him.

Anden:  Boy has this kid grown by leaps and bounds!  He is an amazing reader, and loves to play outside.  You'll never catch this kid in front of a video game!  He got baptized this summer.  He loves the gospel with all his heart!  He's such a tender hearted kid, and has the cutest "jack-o-lantern smile".

Roy:  My baby....He has my heart and he knows it!  He is a reader!  He totally wears his heart on his sleeve, and I love it cuz I am the one he loves the most.  I'm eating it up while I can.

Man, I love being a mom.  It is sometimes hard to remember that my family is number one.  They teach me so much.   They spoil me with attention, and I love them so much!  I am soooooo lucky.

I can't get a pic to load, so I will just leave you with a whole lot of words.

Love~ Sarah