Friday, February 15, 2008


A- Attached or single: Attached for 10 years. I wouldn't want it any other way!

B- Best Friend: Definately Chris. He is my rock! My sister Teala is a pretty close second. You wouldn't know we would be best friends with how we fought like cats and dogs growing up.

C-Cake or Pie: Pie hands down. Any and every type. I love making, eating, or even just smelling pie!

D-Day of Choice: Saturday's especially if Chris doesn't have any other committments besides ME. We love to work on home projects together.

E- Essential Item: My bike. I'm free as long as I have my bike.

F- Favorite Color: blue, any shade will do.

G- Gummi Bears or Worms: They're both nasty. You can't chew them up.

H- Hometown: Hurricane, UT

I- Indulgence(s): I don't know why I like reality TV, & I can't ever pass up a donut.

J- January or July: July. I love being outdoors, and I really don't like being cold. I think I'm allergic.

K-Kids: 4 boys...and no more, no less.

L-Life is incomplete without: Knowing my family will be together forever!

M- Marriage Date: May 30, 1998 in the St. George Temple. Our reception wasn't anything fancy, we were just happy to FINALLY be married.

N- Number of Siblings: 4 - Wyatt 35, Riley 33, Teala 29, & Jilyn 19

O- Oranges or Apples: I love oranges. I love the smell and taste of anything citrus

P- Phobias or Fears: I have a HORRIBLE fear of losing one of my children. It is paralyzing sometimes.

Q- Quote(s): In the confrontation between mountain and stream, the stream always wins, not through strength, but by perserverance.

R- Reason To Smile: Chris and I almost died of laughter the other day trying to get a neighborhood cat into a box to take her to get spayed. She somehow found a way to weasle her head out of even the smallest slit in the box. After 5 minutes we finally grabbed the duct tape to try to tape the box shut, but I ended up taping HER to the box!!! She just was not going to be in that box. After destroying the box, I used one of my big rubbermaid containers, which she almost escaped out of too. She should have been a rat!

S- Season: Spring...I love to see the daffodils and tulips poke their heads through the frozen ground. And sending the kids outside to play after a long winter is heaven.

T- Tag Three: EVERYONE!

V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Been a vegetarian for 5 1/2 years. I'm so thankful for my husband who puts up with it. He eats meat, but since I don't cook it he rarely gets to eat it.

W- Worst Habit: yelling at my kids too much. I'm trying to stop. It may take a lifetime.

X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Definately ultrasounds. What's more exciting than seeing your growing baby in your body?

Y- Your Favorite Food: Anything without meat, I just love food. I love foreign food: Thai, Mexican, Italian, you name it. And baked goods, I can't stay away.

Z- Zodiac sign: Virgo, I don't really believe in that, though.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I must be crazy.

It's not that I'm not a morning person. Actually, I love mornings. But since having kids I really value my sleep. I can wake up at 6:30 easily, but 4:45am??? A year ago I would have said that I would never wake up that early out of my own doing, let alone to exercise! That was before I found out about triathlons. If someone tries to talk you into doing a and don't look back.

Since Blanding doesn't have an indoor pool, the closest one is 45 minutes away on the reservation. I had heard about people making the trek there, but never imagined I would be one of them. Well, now I am officially insane. This morning was the first of many. I woke up at 4:45, changed into my swim suite, and drove 45 minutes with 4 other lunatics only to snap on my swim cap, squish on my goggles, and swim laps in a 77 degree pool (that is pretty cold, in case you were wondering), then drive 45 minutes home.

We are an insane group, but at least we love what we do. Want to swim?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Digging Out!

Holy crappoly, we have a ton of snow. It looks like 3 feet to me, but Chris has informed me it is only about 8 inches, and that is just the storm today. Last Sunday it snowed another 8 inches at least. They cancelled church today and school for tomorrow. The kids wanted to play in it, and so did Chris and I, but since it is Sunday we didn't know if that was an approved activity. Well, since service is definately a Sunday activity we decided to suite up and shovel the neighborhood. It was tons of work, and I am sure tomorrow we will have to shovel some more. In true Blanding fashion, we had a backhoe clearing our street and the kids had a blast playing on the humongous pile of snow the backhoe piled in front of our house. We love the snow!