Friday, February 15, 2008


A- Attached or single: Attached for 10 years. I wouldn't want it any other way!

B- Best Friend: Definately Chris. He is my rock! My sister Teala is a pretty close second. You wouldn't know we would be best friends with how we fought like cats and dogs growing up.

C-Cake or Pie: Pie hands down. Any and every type. I love making, eating, or even just smelling pie!

D-Day of Choice: Saturday's especially if Chris doesn't have any other committments besides ME. We love to work on home projects together.

E- Essential Item: My bike. I'm free as long as I have my bike.

F- Favorite Color: blue, any shade will do.

G- Gummi Bears or Worms: They're both nasty. You can't chew them up.

H- Hometown: Hurricane, UT

I- Indulgence(s): I don't know why I like reality TV, & I can't ever pass up a donut.

J- January or July: July. I love being outdoors, and I really don't like being cold. I think I'm allergic.

K-Kids: 4 boys...and no more, no less.

L-Life is incomplete without: Knowing my family will be together forever!

M- Marriage Date: May 30, 1998 in the St. George Temple. Our reception wasn't anything fancy, we were just happy to FINALLY be married.

N- Number of Siblings: 4 - Wyatt 35, Riley 33, Teala 29, & Jilyn 19

O- Oranges or Apples: I love oranges. I love the smell and taste of anything citrus

P- Phobias or Fears: I have a HORRIBLE fear of losing one of my children. It is paralyzing sometimes.

Q- Quote(s): In the confrontation between mountain and stream, the stream always wins, not through strength, but by perserverance.

R- Reason To Smile: Chris and I almost died of laughter the other day trying to get a neighborhood cat into a box to take her to get spayed. She somehow found a way to weasle her head out of even the smallest slit in the box. After 5 minutes we finally grabbed the duct tape to try to tape the box shut, but I ended up taping HER to the box!!! She just was not going to be in that box. After destroying the box, I used one of my big rubbermaid containers, which she almost escaped out of too. She should have been a rat!

S- Season: Spring...I love to see the daffodils and tulips poke their heads through the frozen ground. And sending the kids outside to play after a long winter is heaven.

T- Tag Three: EVERYONE!

V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Been a vegetarian for 5 1/2 years. I'm so thankful for my husband who puts up with it. He eats meat, but since I don't cook it he rarely gets to eat it.

W- Worst Habit: yelling at my kids too much. I'm trying to stop. It may take a lifetime.

X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Definately ultrasounds. What's more exciting than seeing your growing baby in your body?

Y- Your Favorite Food: Anything without meat, I just love food. I love foreign food: Thai, Mexican, Italian, you name it. And baked goods, I can't stay away.

Z- Zodiac sign: Virgo, I don't really believe in that, though.

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