Sunday, May 31, 2009


Calvin's foot was mostly healed for his last game, so we went ahead and let him play. Here are some pics:

3 Stooges

Okay, so they're not the stooges, but they do all look alike. Anden has been begging me forever to shave his head like Chris, so earlier this month I pulled out the clippers and buzzed it thinking it would suffice. He was totally happy with it until Calvin decided to have me buzz his head too. When Calvin's haircut was over, he told me it wasn't like dad's and he wanted it shaved with the razor. I succumbed and shaved his head, so Anden decided he wanted his shaved too.

A few hours later Calvin came to me and said it still wasn't like dad's. He wanted it shiny and smooth on the top. Sorry son, that will come with old age!

So here they are...all 3 with a shaved head.

He's Gone

Today I sent my 10 year old son across the country. I'm so scared and sad. Actually I'm terrified. Last Fall his teacher mentioned that she would like to take a group of students back east to tour the Eastern Seaboard. I was really excited to send Braxton since I used to nanny there back in the day, so, I signed him up. That is so typical of me. I get so excited and gung ho about something and commit to it, then later I really think of the ramifications and what it all means. So this Spring, I started feeling really stressed about all this and today he left.

It really is going to be such a wonderful experience for him. He'll learn a ton, and I'm sure his teacher will take better care of him than I would have. She is amazing.

Braxton was so scared to go, but he really wanted to go. He was scared the plane would crash into a building like 9-11 and scared the big buildings in NY would fall while he was in them. Of course, I helped him see that the chances of all that happening were slim to none.

All day today he has been singing and really excited about his trip. He could hardly believe it was here. And as I hugged him goodbye, irrational fear gripped me...maybe his plane WOULD crash into a building like 9-11, maybe the big buildings in NY WOULD fall while he was in them, maybe he would get abducted, maybe he would get lost, maybe someone would be mean to him, or maybe he would just feel homesick and need me to tell him everything would be alright. I can't believe I just sent my 10 year old across the country.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Sad Day at the Bishop Home

Chris and I have an announcement to make ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

We've been waiting to make the announcement until after we told Chris' boss, but we're moving. I so badly want to put an exclamation point after that, but we are so extremely sad. It's hard to see that this decision is a good one when we will miss Blanding like crazy. It's our friends, our home, our yard, and the land we will miss the most. I have put thousands of miles in on my bike on these roads. And Chris has run over 7,000 miles here with his BFF Ryan. I cried when I realized how many miles they had run together. I feel like he is divorcing his best friend.

Now for the news. Chris got a job at Colorado Northwestern Community College teaching in their business department. Chris has known for a couple years now that he wants to teach, but now that it is real, he is questioning his capabilities. Chris is a born teacher, and I know he will be wonderful. The college is in Rangely, Colorado and the town is perfect for us. They really courted Chris. First they had a phone interview with him, then paid for him to travel up there to tour the college, meet with the dean, and check out the town. The kids and I even went out to lunch with the hiring committee. The job starts in August and Chris will be on a 10 month contract which means he is all mine in the summer.We know this is the right decision, especially for our family, but we are still leaving kicking and screaming.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

He's Done!

I think I am the proudest wife on the planet. Chris is now an MBA graduate! He has worked so hard for this. He is the most wonderful man I know. He didn't just get his master's degree for himself. No, he got it for me and his children, who he loves so much, and who he would sacrifice his life for.

This has been a hard past few years for Chris. Amongst personal challenges he has overcome, he has also worked a full time job, a part time job, coached various sports for the kids, spent hours and hours on church callings, ran several marathons and triathlons, and loved me more than I could have ever expected anyone to ever love me!

Our 11 year anniversary is coming up next week, and I am so lucky to have found Chris. The men I dated before Chris weren't exactly stellar husband material. Chris has created a life for me that I never believed I could have or deserved.

I always say that all the blessings in our lives are because of Chris. He loves his Heavenly Father so much, and it shows in how he lives his life. He is so forgiving, and truly has a gift for accepting everyone.

He is also one of the smartest people I know. Our kids are blessed to have his smart blood running through their veins.

Chris, I love you so much and feel privileged to spend eternity with you!

Friday, May 15, 2009

He's 10!

I can't believe my baby is 10! And yes, he'll always be my baby (I've got 4 of them). Check out my baking skills. I make these super delicious homemade oreos, and since Braxton loves them, he thought it would be a good idea to make a giant Oreo for his b-day cake. Honestly, I didn't think it would work, but turned out super delicious.
Braxton is seriously the best kid ever. Whenever I ask him to do something he ALWAYS does it. He loves to dance with me, and he's got the best sense of humor. He never gets mad when I tease him, and his younger brothers adore him. He always tells me I'm the best mom ever, and he'll still let me tuck him in at night. He's super smart, funny, and is one of the most compassionate kids I know. He bears his testimony in church all the time, and truly loves the gospel. I am so lucky to be his mom!
Braxton got a Rip Stick for his birthday. He already got injured on it. The Dr. thought his arm was broken at first, but it ended up not. Then a few days later Calvin was riding the rip stick and broke his foot. He's out of baseball after only one game. The sad thing is that he's really good at baseball. There's always next year.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Tonight Calvin said, "Ow, my liver hurts!" Huh?! Not his head or his tummy or even his was his LIVER! Chris and I were chuckling at it and trying to figure out how the heck the kid knew where his liver was when it dawned on us. A few weeks ago in his class they did a life size replica of themselves complete with body parts: including heart, brain, intestines, and LIVER. So what do you give a kid for liver pain?!