Wednesday, March 12, 2008

We're High Tech

We have officially come into the 21st century, and now have a digital camera. We just got it last week, and have been having a blast with it. A few years ago I took a photography class at UVSC. Digital photography was fairly new back then. I needed a camera for the class, and the instructor assured me that digital was NOT here to stay. So, we forked over a hunk of change and bought a really expensive 35mm SLR. Well, for the past few years I have really wanted a digital camera, but couldn't justify it with the nice camera I already had. Chris finally let me get one! It is the best camera ever. Before, I would always forget my big bulky SLR whenever we went anywhere, but this new one is so small I can fit it into my purse and it even takes video clips so I won't miss anything the kids do now.

Hopefully with this new change I will be posting more often because now I can post pictures to go with the stories.

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