Friday, December 11, 2009

Dang Cold!

Ok, so do you think it's cold where you live? Well think again! We didn't know what we were getting into when we moved here. Yesterday as I was driving Anden to school it was -22 degrees. Yes, that is NEGATIVE TWENTY DEGREES FAHRENHEIT!!! Chris ran that morning and almost froze parts of his body off. The snow on the road won't melt, so we have been driving around on white snow covered roads for the last 6 days. I just can't believe people live in places this cold. I seriously feel like we live at the North Pole. Thank goodness we have a garage.

Ok, I'm done complaining now. I actually kind of like it this cold, because then I can brag about it.


The Buzz said...

Sarah, I have been complaining about how cold it is here! Negative 5! I can't imagine -22, and Chris ran in it? CRAZYYYYY!
I hope you are doing good. I miss you sissy!

Becca Queen of Chaos said...


Lolene said...

Sarah, ya gotta' blog more. I love reading your blog...and you've been a lazy lout long enough. So WRITE already! I miss you!!!