Thursday, August 28, 2008


I know, I know, you are probably sick of hearing about politics, but too bad. This is my blog and I can write about whatever I want!

Did you know there is more than just the Republican and Democrat parties? You probably do, but think the people who support the other parites were just wierdos. Ok, so maybe I am, but I think you all should take a serious look at the Libertarian Party. It's the 3rd largest political party in the United States. Their views and philosophies make complete sense to me. I honestly believe our country has gotten so far off track from what everyone really wants it to be, but noone knows how to fix it.

Seriously, go to then click on"our party" then choose "issues". From there, choose whatever issue you are interested in. Let me know what you think. I really believe it is time for a revolution in America, and as likeable as Obama is, I don't think he is the man to do it. I believe it will take several years for this "revolution" to take place, and as most other things, the change will be gradual.

Utah is as red a state as they come. I'm going to vote Libertarian this year because I know Utah is going to end up choosing the Republican candidate anyway (for President).

Plus, I'm all about choices. I HATE that only 2 parties (Republican and Democrat) get all the publicity and support. The Libertarian party (and no doubt other parties as well) work hard to try and get publicity, but the media is pretty closed off to the idea of including them.

1 comment:

meagan said...

Fun! You guys have an official blog...that inspires me. Now you just need to put pictures up.

Libertarian huh? That means your probably going to vote for Ron Paul? I have seen and heard of his revolution, but have got to be honest, I have not paid attention to his arguments. What is different in his promises than Obama's?

In the beginning, I was all for Ralph Nadar, but I don't even know if he's still running! So, I have finally become an Obama fan. He seems the most sincere, serious and honest. And could you imagine if McCain won, it would be world war three!

So what's got you convinced for libertarian. I ask for educational purposes as well!