Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sunday Surprises

On Sunday I substitute taught the 11-12 year old primary girls. The first song was "I love to see the temple". As the whole primary started singing, there was one child in particular who was belting the song out. He sounded pretty young and I thought, "holy cow, that kid sings LOUD...and he knows all the words too!" After a few minutes I thought, "that sure sounds an awful lot like my little Andy (4 years), but he doesn't know the words to that song." This kid knew every single word! I craned my neck around several girls to check it out, and yup, it was Andy, belting out the song as loud as he could. I was so touched, I thought my heart was going to burst out of my chest!

It is so amazing what these little spirits learn. They are little sponges that just soak up information. I am so glad he knows Heavenly Father loves him. I feel like I don't measure up often, but when I see little moments like this it makes me realize I am trying my hardest to give my sweet boys the best shot at life.

Several weeks ago our family gave talks in Sacrament Meeting. Andy wanted to sing instead of talk, so he sang "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam" acapela. You could feel the spirit so strong when this innocent little boy bore his simple testimony by singing.

He is just like his grandma Nancy. He is not afraid of anyone, and loves to talk and talk and talk. Sometimes it really gives me a headache!

One more cute thing. The other day the boys had left one of their skateboards by the garbage can outside. The garbage man came and apparently thought this little beat up skateboard was garbage. He picked it up and threw it in with the rest of the garbage. Oh, Anden wasn't having any of that! He opened the window and let the garbage man know exactly what he thought of him. I was laughing so hard!

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