Saturday, April 11, 2009

Clever Kid

Yesterday Calvin and I were working on homework on my bed. Suddenly he said, "Mom will you pull my tooth?" I was completely flabbergasted because we had a beast of a time getting Calvin's first tooth out a few months ago. Whenever he'd ask us to wiggle it he'd pull away as soon as he felt any resistance on the tooth. After several months he finally lost the tooth by having a kick ball hit him in the face.

So, of course I told him I'd pull the tooth. I love pulling teeth. I think I've pulled all but one of Braxton's. Anyway, I reached in and grabbed the tooth and wiggled it gently, then gave it a nice firm yank forward. All I heard was cracking and ripping, and it really freaked me out! I had loosened most of the tooth, it was just dangling there. So, Calvin went into the bathroom and came back 5 seconds later with the tooth out of his mouth.

He then told me about his "super ooper shmooper dooper big idea", and it all made sense. Since the Easter Bunny was coming that night, he wanted to leave his tooth under his pillow, then the Tooth Fairy would come and leave the money. Then he thought the Easter Bunny would take the money and put it in an egg for him with some candy. WOW! So that's eggsactly what happened. The Easter Bunny took Calvins $2, and put it in a gigantic egg filled with candy. He was a happy man. The first thing he ran in my room and said was, "Mom, my super ooper mooper schmooper big idea worked!"

Another funny thing Calvin said:

This is kinda gross, I know, but it really shows how this kid thinks. We were talking to the kids about picking their noses and how gross it was and how it spreads germs, etc. Calvin said, "mom, I don't have to pick my nose with my fingers....I just use suction." Then he did just that. He sniffed hard and sucked it into his throat. He looked quite proud of himself for finding a loophole.


Unknown said...

"I just use suction" is classic. Classic. Does he know about "air pressure method? Just plug one nostril and blow really hard :).

Lolene said...

Sarah, no matter what happens in your life, keep blogging. You are so GOOD. I laughed like crazy reading about your kids...the whole tooth-pulling thing and sucking back the snot. Ha ha!!!!

The Buzz said...

Oh ya...I agree with Chein Po! Air pressure method must be taught to Calvin..
I don't know how you can stand to pull teeth...I just can't do it.
I love to hear the stories of your boys since I don't get to see them often...this is the next best thing. Great Post ;)

Bean said...

I love how you said "I love pulling teeth". I haven't gotten the chance yet, but I'm sure I'll love it too. This post was hilarious. I like his super oomper (ack, I can't get it right) big idea too. You guys must watch Sid the Science Kid eh?