Saturday, June 12, 2010

Camping Fun

We are camping! Chris needed to come back up to Rangely to work yesterday, so we all decided to tag along. Rangely has a cute little camp park with a pond and lots of shade. Summer had definitely set in, so it was sure to be a warm weekend.

Well, it ISN'T! First off, we started the 6 hour trek way late, plus we had to stop at the store for some food. By the time we got to the Loma exit off I-70 it was starting to get dark, and we still had a hour and half left to get to Rangely. So, we decided to stop at Hyline State Park and camp there for the night. We barely got the tent set up before dark, and all the kids slept in the clothes they wore that day.

The next morning Chris had to be in Rangely by 9:30am, so we had a early start. We packed right up (kiddos still in their same clothes), and headed out. Chris got there 10 minutes late, but, whew, we made it!

I went to the campground and got the tent set up with the help of Braxton and Calvin with only a little breeze. It was a gorgeous day! All day the kids played, fished, and got dirty. By night time the wind really started to pick up, but we still roasted marshmallows and hot dogs.

At bedtime, the wind was howling and the rain started coming. I prayed for the Lord to temper the storm and not let our tent fall down. Well, our tent didn't fall, but it sure was COLD. The rain never seeped in though.

It is still raining, and we are trying to figure out what we will do today. Right now we are at Chris' office playing (thank goodness he has a Bionicles collection). I just hope and pray our Target tent will keep the rain out tonight!

1 comment:

The Buzz said...

That totally sucks!!!! I'm so sorry! If I was rich I'd pay for you to stay in a hotel. I'll be praying for a better night tonight!