Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My New Journal

Okay, so I'm going to start this blog thing again, but I think I'm going to be journaling more than anything. I don't want to forget any of the fun and cute things the kids do and say.

We decided not to do a Christmas tree this year. I know it sounds sad, but it's actually going to be a good thing. Our cute fake tree is in storage, and I don't want Chris to have to rummage through everything for it. Plus, the trailer is small, and we really can't fit all 6 of us in there, let alone a tree!

Here is the good news. I had this wonderful idea to make a Christmas tree so kids aren't completely without something. We are making a tree out of our hand prints. Every time we think of something good or something someone did for us or something we are thankful for, we trace our hand on green paper, cut it out, then write our good thing on it. Then we curl the fingers, and put the handprint upside down on a big sheet of white paper taped to the wall. We'll slowly shape it like a tree as we work our way up. The goal is to have a full tree by Christmas. I'll take a picture and show later. I was feeling pretty bad about not having a tree for the kids, but Anden said, "this is going to be the best Christmas ever because of this tree!"

Then, of course our stockings are packed away, so me and the kids brainstormed what we could use instead. Socks? No, not big enough. Hmmm...they finally decided on their snow boots. Pretty ingenious, huh?

I actually really like struggling through this year. I am learning so much and so are the kids. We are getting pretty good at improvising, and we'll always remember the Christmas in the trailer.



Amy Bartlett said...

You are so creative! Great ideas! Jaden just learned about some other country where they leave their boots out for Santa. You are teaching them culture too! Miss you!

meagan said...

I bet they will remember this christmas too...in a good way. :)